The treatment of Spina Bifida is determined by a case by case basis. Not all forms of SB require treatment, while other require major surgery.
Forms meningocele and myelomeningocele both require surgery. Both forms need surgery to put the meninges back in place and to close the opening in the back. The surgery is oftern performed with int 24-48 hours of delivery to minimize the risk of infection and to help prevent any further trauma. Sometimes additional surgery is done to place a shunt near the brain to control the excess fluid that builds up and doesn't drain properly.
With the medical advances today, pernatal surgery can aslo be done. It is usually performed around the 26th week of pregnancy. Please click HERE to watch a video about prenatal surgery on Spina Bifida patients.
Treatment usually does not end with one or two initial surgeries. Most patients with SB require ongoing care. Some may need phisical therapy, while others require mulitiple surgeries to fix additional complications. Many people who SB have a team of doctors from multiple backgrounds contributing to ongoing care.
Please ceck out the Spina Bifida Association's website for more information about treatment and ongoing care!